Summer calls for random storms, warmer weather, and plenty of bugs.
While we want to explore the outdoors more during the summer, spraying yourself with bug repellent before going outside is always best. In a recent report, the West Nile virus has been found in mosquitoes in four Colorado counties.
KDVR reports the infected areas are Boulder, Delta, Weld, and Larimer Counties. “The risk of infection is highest for people who work outside or participate in outdoor activities because of greater exposure to mosquitoes,” says the CDPHE website.
While most people won’t experience major symptoms of the virus, here are some symptoms to look out for, as reported by the CDC:
- high fever
- headache
- neck stiffness
- stupor
- disorientation
- coma
- tremors
- convulsions
- muscle weakness
- vision loss
- numbness and paralysis
To protect yourself:
- use insect repellents when you go outdoors.
- repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535
- use oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products provide the best protection
- limit outdoor activities at dusk and dawn
- wear protective clothing (long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks)
1 in 50 people are infected, with people over 60 being the most at risk of a severe illness. No vaccine or specific medicines are available for West Nile virus infection— and antibiotics do not treat viruses.