An Arvada community has come together to support Amber Klein, a woman known for her heartwarming Halloween and Christmas displays, as she battles advanced breast cancer. For years, Klein has transformed her front yard with elaborate inflatable decorations during the holidays, bringing joy to neighbors and visitors alike. At Christmas, she even sets up a special box for kids to drop off their letters to Santa.
However, this year’s Halloween display was at risk due to Klein’s diagnosis and her husband’s recovery from a serious injury last year. Determined to keep the tradition alive, the community stepped in to help. A few weeks ago, friends and neighbors put up her entire Halloween display, ensuring the beloved tradition continues.
In addition, friends organized a meal train and fundraiser to assist Klein during her chemotherapy treatments. “It’s been overwhelming to be on the receiving end of so much kindness,” Klein said. “To know so many people are thinking about me and supporting me—it’s amazing.”
Julia Walker, a close friend of Klein, spearheaded the meal train, seeing it as a small way to show appreciation for all Klein has done for the community. “If you can give, great, but if you can’t, show up and give your time,” Walker said. “That’s what matters most.”
Klein’s home at 7599 N. Harlan Way is expecting hundreds of trick-or-treaters this Halloween, and she hopes to break their record of 500 visitors. “If I can leave anything behind, it’s that I made a difference in someone’s life,” she said. “That’s why I do it.”