Apple already put a phone, a camera, a calculator, a GPS unit, you credit cards, and about 100 other things into one device. Now they will completely get rid of your need for a Wallet by putting your Colorado Drivers License into your Apple Wallet.
Arizona made it available today, and Colorado is one of the next few states to get on board. The process is simple. You open your ap, you take a photo of your ID, and a picture of yourself, and they verify that you’re who you say you are. Then, your ID lives in your Apple Wallet, alongside your Vax records, your Credit Cards, and Airplane Boarding passes. Apple is promoting this as an easier way to get through TSA when travelling, by having all your documents available in one place, on either your Phone, or your Apple Watch. All information will be transmitted digitally, so you don’t need to hand over your phone. Get more details on putting your License on Apple Wallet here.
If you use Android, or if you want an alternative to Apple Wallet, the MyColorado ap will let you store your ID and other records on your phone as well. Unlike the Apple Wallet version, this one is available now. Get details on the MyColorado Ap here.