If you paid your taxes in Colorado, you can expect a $400 check in the mail in either August or September. This is part of the TABOR (Tax Payer Bill Of Rights) which has to return any unspent money to the people of Colorado. Under the current law, this money would get paid out in 2023, but due to unexpected hardships, the Governor has pushed it up to the end of this Summer.
“People are paying more for everyday items like gas, groceries, and rent through no fault of their own. Instead of the government sitting on money that Coloradans earned, we want to give everyone cash back as quickly and easily as possible to provide immediate relief and empower people to do what they want to with their money” said Gov. Jared Polis.
Who gets $400? You Qualify as long as you have filed your Taxes by May 31st. You should be seeing a check in the mail in August or September for $400 if you filed by yourself, or $800 for joint filings. About 3.1 Million Coloradoans will receive this check.
Good news! Because of our healthy state budget surplus and strong economy we are putting money back into your pocket and proposing a Colorado Dividend for every taxpayer. Individuals will receive $400 and joint filers would receive $800 by the end of this summer. pic.twitter.com/VYMrFnIVga
— Governor Jared Polis (@GovofCO) April 25, 2022