Last night, the Colorado Lawmakers did a marathon session to get some new laws passed for Colorado. Here’s the New Laws they have come up with for 2022:
Fentanyl Accountability And Prevention
This was one of the bigger bills needing attention. Possessing 1-4 Grams of a substance containing Fentanyl would be considered a Felony. If you can convince a judge that you didn’t know there was Fentanyl in it, you may be able to get the possession reduced to a Level 1 Drug Misdemeanor.
Internal Election Security Measures
Unless you are authorized, you can’t tamper with a voting machine. On top of that, more training will be required for people overseeing elections. 24 hour video surveillance of voting machines will be required, and if you have previously been busted for tampering with elections, you can’t be in charge of them.
The TABOR Refund
Remember the $400 we were going to get in August and September? Now it’s $500.
Towing Carrier Nonconsensual Tows
Tow Truck operators will have to follow a few more rules when towing cars, especially from Condos and Apartment Complexes. A car can’t be towed just because the plates are expired, and if someone can’t pay, the tow truck company can’t keep the car.
Missing And Murdered Indigenous Relatives
Colorado will be setting up an office to assist with missing indigenous persons investigations and homicide cases involving indigenous victims.
Health Bills
There were two Health Bills aiming to help patients understand the costs of going to the hospital. The first will let someone request the review of a charge from an “Out of Network” Doctor, and get that reduced to an “In Network” charge. The Second requires hospitals to be more transparent on the prices they charge for services. If they are not, they can’t come after someone for payment.
Restrictive Employment Agreements
If you have a Non-Compete clause in your contract, it’s null and void, unless you’re making more than $101,000 a year. The bill was aimed to protect low wage earners who were threatened for leaving jobs, and taking the skills they learned with them.
Green Bills
There are also a handful of “Green” bills that passed last night. Some chemicals will no longer be allowed in Colorado, and companies will have to disclose the chemicals in their products. Companies that produce large amounts of waste will be charged, and that money will go towards a recycling program. New Buildings constructed will have even stricter building regulations to reduce greenhouse gasses.
Now what?
All these bills are now on the way to Gov. Polis’ Desk, where he gets the final say. He has 30 Days to take action. If he signs it, it becomes a law. If he Vetoes it, it does not become Law. If he doesn’t do anything, it becomes law automatically after 30 days.