In the 90’s The Museum of Nature and Science hosted some great laser light shows, with great names like Lolla-pa-laser. Now the Laser show is back, but with less catchy names. Laser Fantasy runs daily at 4:15 (which seems rather early), and Fridays offer showings at 5:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. The First Laser Fantasy show kicks off on Thursday for Museum Members. Non Members have to wait until Friday. The first show is Laser Stranger Things, so expect Master of Puppets and Kate Bush while you enjoy the visuals. Tickets to the Planetarium show are $14 for adults, but, you also need to pick up a Museum general admission ticket for $20 to attend, so it’s about $35 to go, but you get to check out the Dinosaurs, the Rocks, and the Mummies as well. Kids and seniors are a bit cheaper. Shows run about 45-55 Minutes, and are appropriate for kids of all ages.
If Stranger things isn’t your thing, future shows include Beyonce, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Bruno Mars, The Doors, Daft Punk, The Beastie Boys, and a ton more.
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