Over the last several months, there has been a new concept in the works that will affect your commute, your business, and all of your employees. The Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) intends to propose an Employee Traffic Reduction Program (ETRP) , a plan that would require all employers with 100 or more onsite employees from the Denver area up through Weld County to reduce single-occupancy vehicle usage trips by 40% by 2040. As much as we would all like to think this plan could help lower the air quality issues that our beautiful state is facing, there seem to be a lot of holes that need to be filled before this idea could be fully put into action.
When approached with this idea, business owners located in the proposed area are faced with the daunting task of having to meet the requirements such as assigning the role of a Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) to someone in their employment, the development and implementation of a plan specifically designed for their company, plus annual surveys and reporting.
Now as simple as it sounds, there are many growing concerns among those that run companies with 100 or more employees. While the proposal is still in the process of being approved or not, growing concerns are still being communicated. AQCC members scheduled a three-day hearing for Aug. 18-20 to take public comments and make a decision on whether the state will implement the ETRP.