As the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment moves forward on their plan to improve air quality across the state, business owners throughout the area are starting to voice their opinions and concerns regarding the proposed Employee Traffic Reduction Program (ETRP).
This new concept, presented by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, is a plan that would require all employers with 100 or more onsite employees from the Denver area up through Weld County to reduce single-occupancy vehicle usage, with the goal of improving air quality and the overall environment in the planned areas.
Although this is not to be taken as a way to force commuters over to carpools, transit, or bikes some can’t help but wonder can’t help but wonder how this will be enforced, if at all. Plus, the additional cost of having to organize van pools and other forms of transportation to get their employees into the office introduces a whole new set of burdens on an already struggling economic situation. Even with the option of telecommuting and the offer of flexible work schedules, it still doesn’t seem to be enough to quell the concerns of the public against this proposition.
Another concern that seems to be expressed is that starting with one small area might not offer reduction in emissions to even make a difference. Some say that the idea should be implemented in all urban areas throughout the state, rather than where it currently is planned.
With so much left unanswered, there is still no way to say whether or not this proposed concept will be successful or not. It seems only time will tell. With the upcoming three-day hearing scheduled for August 18-20 by AQCC members, it’s as good a time as ever to listen to the voice of the public and make a decision on whether the state will implement the ETRP. What are your thoughts on the newest idea being presented?