I don’t know about you, but I have noticed a huge amount of black widow spiders this year. And it’s not only me. Exterminators and spider scientists report more black widow sightings in the Denver metro area this year than in years past.
According to the curator of invertebrate zoology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, we shouldn’t worry too much about them.
Black widows are common in Colorado yards and inside of our homes. It’s not too much of a problem in garages, but having them inside your house, in the livable areas is when it’s a concern.
This year in particular, Denver area residents have been finding a lot more black widows. Some people are finding them in multiples, up to a dozen at a time on their porches and inside their garages.
This can make most homeowners uneasy. Just the pure shininess and the red hourglass alone make these arachnids look like something out of horror movies. Many turn to exterminators that deal with these spiders. But over the last two years, the amount of black widows has increased.
Exterminators can be booked out for some time. It’s a busy season for them. So keep that in mind.
Speaking of extermination, it isn’t always necessary. A lot of times we can scoop them up in a cup and relocate them to the outdoors. When they bite, it is rarely deadly to an adult. Although extremely painful, it won’t kill the average adult. Kids and senior citizens are a different story. If you find them in your children’s play areas that may be an indicator to call a professional in for backup.
So keep an eye out in areas your children play in. They like to hide in outside toy bins where they can stay inside nooks of things. Just today I saw one in my kids sandbox. I’m not usually one to kill spiders but I may have to reconsider when they are lying in wait for a child’s innocent hand.
Stay safe Denver.