Charles Zelenka has lived in his Glenwood Springs home for almost 20 years, and for the first time in his 17 years living there Charles woke up at 2 a.m. to a loud banging outside his house. He assumed it was the bears trying to break into his bear-proof dumpster, which is common.
But after looking out his window he was shocked to see, “an elk on my front porch! I could see it kicking its front legs. I was like, What the hell happened? I couldn’t figure it out.”
“I was just about ready to turn and go out the door, and a mountain lion popped up from underneath this thing,” Zelenka continued. “So I grabbed my phone—I’m in my skivvies, I’ve just gotten out of bed—and start recording.”
Charles placed a call to local dispatch, who advised him to stay safe. After the cat had gone back into the woods, Zelenka grabbed a quick photo of the elk, before heading back to bed.