Sometimes people and businesses forget about money they have coming their way, and sometimes things get lost in the mail. The State of Colorado’ Treasurer has a great big Lost and Found division, and they will hold onto your lost checks and property forever, until you, or the owners of your estate claim it. The state is also holding funds for Corporations, schools, hospitals, and small businesses. The Colorado State Treasurer currently maintains a list of over 1.7 million names of individuals as well as businesses for whom property is available. This property can be all kinds of things, from lost paychecks, lost gift certificates, to to the left over interest of closed bank accounts. Or maybe your rich uncle passed away and forgot about a safe deposit box, and the bank closed. The State is holding onto it. As of now, They have reunited Coloradoans with over $600 Million of their own money.
The first step for finding lost treasure is Searching the Database. Type in your Last Name and see if you or anyone you’re related to is on the list. You can also do the same for any small business or organization you’re related to. Or not related to. It’s an open search. But you will need to be the legitimate owner or claimant to file. If someone passed away recently, and you are the holder of the estate, it might be worth checking the list for them as well.
Once you see your name on the list, just click claim. You may have multiple entries, and you can stack them all into one claim. They will also tell you approximately how much you are owed. It could be under $5, it could be over $250, or it could be somewhere in the middle. There’s forms to fill out, but in this day and age, auto fill can handle that for you.
Once you have staked a claim on your loot, you will get an email with further instructions. You will get a more detailed look at what is owed to you. There are forms to fill out, and you will also need to submit some forms of ID to prove you are who you say you are. After those have been submitted, someone will take a look at the info, verify that you are you, and then they will send you your property, most likely in the form of a cashiers check. Some property may not be available that way, but the Treasurer will mail anything reasonable.
So what are you waiting for? Check the list, and find your treasure.