Today in Denver, local artists hid works around the city for people to find and keep. The event is known as #ArtDropDenver and encourages people to go on a hunt for art. I have to say this is the best game of hide-and-seek I have ever seen.
The first Tuesday of September is World Art drop Day. In celebration of this, local artists have hidden their works around the Denver Metro area. Artists use the hashtag #ArtDropDenver on social media to post clues of where to find their art pieces. This is a way to spread connection and positivity in the local art community.
This is honestly one of the coolest things I have ever heard of. There are a multitude of artists and their art that you can discover. It introduces the community to art and those that make it in their community and also gives artists a chance to gift their art in a fun way while providing exposure of their craft.
This is one game I can get behind. As an artist myself, I may have to take part in this hunt both as a hider and a seeker in the future.