Two young brothers, Daniel and Adam Diaz, are grappling with unimaginable grief after losing their entire family in a tragic car crash in Thornton, Colorado. On Saturday evening, their parents, Francisco and Beatriz Diaz, along with their younger sisters, Paola and Nataly, were killed when their car was struck at an intersection. The crash occurred just minutes after the family left home to go grocery shopping.
Daniel, 22, and Adam, 20, are now left to navigate the heartbreaking process of burying their loved ones. “It didn’t feel real,” Adam said. “I was thinking it was a nightmare.” Police informed the brothers that their parents’ car had been stopped at a red light when it was struck by another vehicle, launching them into the intersection where they were hit by a second car. The impact caused one of the vehicles to catch fire, killing all four family members instantly.
Struggling to be strong for each other, the brothers are trying to come to terms with their loss. “At this time, it’s really hard for both of us because we are really close to our family—we all lived together,” Daniel shared.