Anyone who has driven around lately has noticed all the expired tags on cars around town. Aurora Police says they’re going to start cracking down on those minor traffic offenses in the near future. And right now, it’s super easy for them. In 2021, all the License plate tags they issued were Yellow. In 2022, they were Red. The DMV gives you a month of grace period to get them swapped out. Which means right now, nearly everyone’s License plate should have a red Sticker.
Aurora Police are taking advantage of this. They will be checking specifically for expired tags, and if they catch you, they will be writing you a ticket, which you can fight in court. You will also have to go pay for your tags to get renewed. You will be fined $25 for each month you went over by. But they cap it at $100, so it won’t get too out of control. Police will also be looking for expired new car registrations. The same rules apply, except they don’t get the one month Grace Period. The expiration date on the paper is the day you need to have your metal plates by.
Aurora Police will also be looking for signs of other crimes. Last month, Wheat Ridge Police arrested a guy who had expired plates, and found a bunch of drugs in plain sight inside his car. Aurora Police are hoping to find crimes in a similar fashion. All cars and drivers will have their credentials checked, and if the car comes back stolen, or the driver is wanted, police will arrest who they need to.
Roses are red.
Our police lights are blue.
We’re looking for expired tags & speeders today…
Break the law and we’ll get to meet you!#ValentinesDayTrust us, you don’t want a written “valentine” from us. They usually cost money or require a court date.
Drive safe today!
— Aurora Police Dept (@AuroraPD) February 14, 2023