We may all have an opinion on whether or not there is life outside of this planet. Some believe in the sightings of little green men. Or some other intelligent life outside of our own that has the ability to visit Earth.
In 1990, several photographs were taken and confiscated in Scotland.
That year, a couple of men were hiking in the Scottish countryside near the town of Calvine. Suddenly they heard a low hum and noticed a large, diamond-shaped object hovering above their heads.
They estimated the size of the aircraft was approximately 100 feet long. The metallic structure hovered there for about 10 minutes. Just then fighter jets from the nearby Royal Air Force base flew past them, circling back to take a look at the object. As the men hid in the bushes, the fighter jets abandoned their observation and continued on their way.
Soon after that, the craft shot vertically into the air at a high speed, never to be seen again.
Before the craft disappeared, the men were able to snap 6 photos of it. They took the photographs to Scotland’s biggest newspaper, The Daily Record, and no story was written about it. The paper had sent the photos immediately to the Ministry of Defense. Both the photos and the men who took them disappeared.
Fast forward 32 years later. One of these original photographs has surfaced. People who may have previously been non-believers are having a hard time disputing the evidence. This photo may just be hard evidence of life outside Earth.
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” – Arthur C. Clarke
— DistantMemories1996 (@DistantMemory96) August 12, 2022
Thank you retired RAF Officer Craig Lindsay, for your service and your bravery, what you kept safely archived for over “32” years made history today.??? https://t.co/S5Hbhmpqck pic.twitter.com/YpeD6Cqyga
Those that don’t think the UFO is otherworldly theorize the craft may be a secret experimental hypersonic spy plane from America. This could explain why the fighter jet’s pilots didn’t seem too interested in exploring the craft further.
We don’t really know the truth. But the witnesses have a better idea of what was in the sky that day. Unfortunately no identities or whereabouts have been offered. The government has no plans of releasing that information until 2076. Sighting privacy concerns, the government remains tight-lipped.