Nestled in the heart of the stunning Colorado Rocky Mountain Front Range, the Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival will once again grace the renowned Omni Interlocken Resort in Broomfield, Colorado on August 24th, 2024. This prestigious event draws enthusiasts who appreciate the finer things in life, offering an array of premium cigars, hand-crafted brews, exquisite wine and spirits, and delectable food.
Attendees will have the unique opportunity to mingle with top cigar manufacturers and celebrities from around the globe. Every cigar ticket holder receives a festival bag brimming with over 30 premium cigars, a cutter, lighter, festival glass, t-shirt, drink tickets, and much more. Complimentary meals are provided, with various ticket levels available to cater to different needs.
The festival runs from 11 am to 6 pm for VIP attendees and from 12 pm to 6 pm for general attendees. Note: This event is open to individuals aged 21 and over and will proceed regardless of weather conditions.
Ticket Options:
- Social – $80 (Sold out): Ideal for those who enjoy a great time but do not smoke premium cigars or require the other perks. This ticket includes a festival glass, t-shirt, drink tickets, and a meal.
- General Admission – $215 (Sold out): Perfect for cigar lovers, this ticket offers over 30 premium cigars, a festival bag, cutter, lighter, souvenir glass, t-shirt, drink tickets, a drawing prize ticket, a meal, and more.
- VIP Social – $180 (Sold out): For those looking to enjoy the event with VIP access without the cigar package. Includes early entry at 11 am, festival glass, t-shirt, drink tickets, a meal, and access to the VIP lounge.
- VIP – $325 (Sold out): Tailored for the true aficionado, this ticket includes early entry, over 30 general admission cigars, 15 ultra-premium VIP cigars, a festival bag, lighter, cutter, glass, t-shirt, drink tickets, and access to the VIP lounge.
- EVIP – $595 (Sold out): The pinnacle of the festival experience, limited to 55 attendees. Includes early entry, over 15 rare cigars, 15 ultra-premium VIP cigars, 30 general admission cigars, a high-end custom festival bag, top-quality cutter and lighter, glass, t-shirt, six drink tickets, a meal, and VIP area access.
Please Note: Access to the VIP area is restricted to VIP ticket holders only.