John Speier didn’t have a great week.
At about 7PM Thursday night, he went into the Target on Arapahoe and Parker. He started hassling some of the employees, then repeatedly kept going into an Employees only part of the store and then the shoplifting began. He left the store for a short time, but when he returned, he had a Hatchet with him. Police evacuated the store, and then took Speier into custody with no injuries being reported. Target says he caused about $5,000 in damage.
This was the end of John’s adventure, but it appears he was vandalizing things all week. On Tuesday, there were reports of a man throwing stuff off a balcony at an apartment complex. On Wednesday, at the same complex, a man found a 30 pound weight thrown through his windshield, and a 4×4 on his car. Neighbors ID’d John as the guy responsible, and he was arrested a short time later, but apparently released in time for his Target run.