Nestled amidst the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Arapahoe Basin Ski Area (A-Basin) stands out as a beacon of affordability amidst a sea of high-priced ski resorts. For those seeking a winter getaway that doesn’t break the bank, A-Basin emerges as a compelling choice, at least that’s what Forbes says.
As the cost of gear, travel, lodging, and lift tickets continues to soar, a weekend ski trip can easily put a dent in one’s wallet. Forbes sought to identify the most value-for-money ski resorts across the United States. Their comprehensive analysis, considering factors such as lift tickets, rental equipment, airfare, accommodations, and car rentals, revealed a select group of ten ski destinations that stood out for their financial prudence.
Among these ten gems, A-Basin proudly claimed the sole Colorado spot. Forbes’ research revealed that A-Basin vacation rentals rank among the most affordable in the country, with an average cost of just $200 per night. This remarkably low price, coupled with A-Basin’s impressive 108 runs, positions it as a haven for budget-conscious skiers and snowboarders.
While A-Basin excels in providing a cost-effective skiing experience, its counterparts in Colorado often command premium prices. Beaver Creek Resort, for instance, occupies the opposite end of the affordability spectrum, with a two-day ski trip estimated to cost around $1,806. This stark contrast highlights A-Basin’s appeal as a budget-friendly alternative.