During the new year, everyone wants to reinvent themselves. As they always say, “new year, new me!” So since we’re less than a week away, now would be a good time to start thinking about your new years’ resolutions for the year 2022. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Schedule more friend time. You can never get enough time with your friends, so it may be a good idea to plan a night or day out with the crew.
- Get outside. Taking the time to be out in nature is known to be a great stress reliever and improve your mental health. It might be a good idea to take a walk or watch the sunset.
- Compliment someone and mean it. Compliments are a good way to improve anybody’s mood, and being kind to others can even improve your mood.
- Make your bed. It only takes a few minutes out of your day and is probably something you’ll end up doing anyway before you get in it to go to sleep.
- Keep your car clean. A car is a place that your family probably spends a lot of their time. This makes it more difficult but also more important to keep your car clean. Giving it one thorough cleaning and reminding family members to clean up after themselves doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.
- Grow something. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can start with something small and easy, like a container vegetable garden.
- Don’t hit snooze. Consider how much more time you can add to other areas of your day just by waking up on time to your alarm.
- Paint a room. This can be as simple as doing some touch-ups on your kitchen cabinets or as big as painting an entire room a different color.
- Journal one line a day. This is a simple way to record your thoughts and emotions, or in other words, a form of expression.
- Read more. Especially if you love to read, you may want to challenge yourself by reading one book a month and hold yourself accountable by joining a book club.
- Write snail mail. This is a great, thoughtful way to make someone’s day that means so much more than just a text or an email.
- Drink more water. Water is the healthiest thing you can drink for your body. It may be a good idea to start by replacing various other drinks you would normally have throughout the day with a cup of water.
- Try something new each month. Get creative and involve friends and family by trying new food or even new arts and crafts.
- Support local restaurants. Make a point to go to a new local restaurant each week to show your support.
- Pay off some debt with spending fast. Debt can be a really hard thing to beat, but it’s important for gaining financial freedom. Try cutting down some of your extra spendings and spend those funds on your debts instead.
- Make monthly playlists. Any songs that you find catchy and just can’t get out of your head, save to a playlist on an app like Spotify.
- Learn a new hobby. Try and commit to learning your new hobby to the point of mastery and give yourself a challenge, but make sure it’s something you enjoy.
- Walk a mile a day. Walking is good exercise and is also good for your mental health.
- Shed some weight by decluttering. Going through all of your belongings and getting rid of anything you don’t want or need can make you feel a lot better about your surroundings which can improve your mood as a whole.
- Put away laundry — all the way. Change the way you normally do your laundry to enforce breaking bad old laundry habits.
- “Lazy genius” something in your life. This involves prioritizing your energy by being lazier about things that aren’t important and being “genuis” about the things that matter.
- Start meal planning one meal. It’s a lot harder to just jump in trying to plan every meal for every day of every week. Try planning just one meal a day instead.