Wheel of Fortune was hearing it on social media after Tuesday night. Charlene was a contestant on a recent episode and had made it to the final round, where the category was “What are you doing”? After giving her four letters of her choice, she was left with: _ H_ _SING THE RIGHT _ _RD. The clock was ticking, and Charlene guessed “Choosing the right card,” which was half right. After a long pause, she said, “word.” The latter was the right answer, but Pat Sajak said the answer needed to “be more or less continuous,” and hers was not. Ultimately that meant Charlene didn’t get the prize of a brand new Audi Q3.
Come on @WheelofFortune, the woman literally chose the right word. Give her the car. pic.twitter.com/aAaMyFeEZl
— Alex Jacob (@whoisalexjacob) December 22, 2021
Fans went crazy on social media and even called for a boycott of the show. But, Audi jumped at the opportunity for some good ol’ PR, and on Wednesday night, tweeted, “There’s no community like the Audi community. With your help, we tracked down Charlene! More to come as we help #GiveHerTheQ3.”